Scan Before Coring - SiGeo Concrete
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Scan Before Coring

Safety of personnel and undisrupted functionality of services in a building (Power, communications, water, gas) are top priorities. More still, the legislative requirements (AS5488-2013 Subsurface Engineering Standard) for pre-work risk management and requirements of penetration permits prior to cutting or coring concrete are designed to eliminate safety incidents, and unforeseen financial loss / reputation damage associated with damaged services.


We provide 24 hours concrete scanning for small, medium and large projects, in accordance to (AS5488-2013 Subsurface Engineering Standard), for various applications including: Coring, cutting, plumbing, electrical, machinery installation, loading modification engineering assessments.



Profit Safety and Risk Management


  • Personnel safety and incident-free working


  • Avoid service interruptions and down-time losses


  • Avoid financial loss due to damaged services and repair costs


  • Preserve structural integrity (post-tension)


  • Scanning = Better planning of coring job


In accordance to ASTM D6432  ASTM D6431 and (AS5488-2013 Standard procedure, we use either 1.6GHz or 2.3GHz GSSI Mini /Structural Scan XT high-frequency pulse radar (GPR) systems based on radio waves and electromagnetic technology to generate accurate high-resolution images of concrete, which typically include:


  1. Reinforcement (top and bottom)
  2. Services in concrete (Power, Water, Gas, Data cables)
  3. Non-conductive services (PVC)
  4. Post-tension
  5. Slab thickness and Cover


Electromagnetic Induction (EMI)


Concrete slabs may contain metallic and non-metallic services e.g. PVC conduits. Depending on size and depth of target, GPR may miss detection of PVC and small non-conductive objects. In addition to GPR, we utilise Electromagnetic induction (EMI) techniques using a transmitter (Tx) / receiver (Rx), tracing wire rods, Sondes for active locating or passive locating of all services including: Live, dead, inactive, metallic or non-conductive.

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